
J.O.O.M is more than a web design company, we not only create the best design on the net, we build web applications that work seamlessly. If you are looking to take your brand to the next level, or launch a a website that generates revenue, please feel free to explore our work, see how it work and read what customers say about us.

At JOOM Solutions, our customers are our most important asset. That's why we work hard to provide the best, most cutting-edge solutions possible. Your success is our success, which is why we have a team of experts that can handle every area of your marketing plan - from designing a web site, to building back end system, to teasing out the best ideas possible for your business. We don't just follow web trends online - we set them!

Staðsetning og opnunartími

Skrifstofa UÍA er staðsett að Tjarnarási 6 á Egilsstöðum gegnt Flytjanda.

Almennur opnunartími skrifstofu er frá kl. 9:00-15:00 alla virka daga.

Framkvæmdastjóri er Gunnar Gunnarsson.
Netfang: uia@uia.is og sími 471-1353.

Kennitala UÍA er: 660269-4369.



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